(bright music) [onscreen action] Picture of a dog. [onscreen text] Sit [onscreen action] A dog walks up to a lady, the lady motions for the dog to sit, the dog sits and gets rewarded. [narrator] We're gonna show you a fun way to teach sit that anyone can use and any dog can learn. [onscreen action] A dog walks up to a man crouching in the grass, the guy motions for the dog to sit, the dog sits and gets rewarded. [narrator] Because dogs are usually very eager to work for food, and because it makes learning fun for both of you. [onscreen action] A person is filling a container is bite-sized dog treats. [narrator] You'll need a large amount of bite-sized soft treats. [onscreen action] Man kneeling in the grass motions for the dog to come over, the dog comes over. [onscreen text] Hey Dad! [onscreen action] The man motions for the dog to sit, the dog sits and gets pet. [narrator] We'll show you how to fade the treats out once your dog understands what you're asking him to do. But for now, have plenty on hand. [onscreen action] Woman sitting on a couch. [narrator] Keep sessions short, two to three minutes at a time. [onscreen action] Woman gets up and works on teaching her dog to sit. [narrator] You can train during the commercial breaks of your favorite TV shows. [onscreen action] Man petting his dog. [narrator] If you or your dog is getting frustrated, reward him for doing something right and end your session there. [onscreen action] Woman kneeling in living room as her dog approaches her, lady motions for the dog to sit. The dog sits and is rewarded. [narrator] Teach new behaviors in a quiet room, then slowly increase the distractions. [onscreen action] Man kneeling on a porch motioning for the dog. The motions for the dog to sit, the dog sits and is pet as a reward. [narrator] Practice in lots of different places and situations. [onscreen action] Man puts the dog on it’s leash for a walk. [narrator] And reward your dog with either toys, petting, play-time, walks, or car rides. [onscreen action] Woman standing with a treat in her fist. [narrator] Start by putting a yummy treat in your fist. [onscreen action] Woman moves her hand over the dog’s nose and brings her fist over top of the dog’s head. The dog sits. [narrator] Slowly move your hand from just above your dog's nose, and bring it back over his head. As your dog follows the treat, his rear end will lower to the ground. Just as his bottom hits the floor quietly say yes and give him the treat in your hand. [onscreen action] Woman repeats the action of her hand over the dog’s nose and brings her fist over top of the dog’s head and the dog sits. A thought bubble appears over the dog’s head. [onscreen text] How was that? [onscreen action] Woman moves the treat around and the dog follows her hand. [narrator] Now if your dog's jumping up to grab the treat, you may be holding it too high. [onscreen action] Woman moves her hand closer to the dog and moves it over the dog’s head, the dog sits. [narrator] Just bring your hand down closer to his nose and draw it back over his head like a magnet. [onscreen action] A woman getting her dog to sit close to a couch. [narrator] If his rear end is not lowering to the floor back him up to a wall or a piece of furniture. [onscreen action] Woman sitting on the couch petting a dog in her lap. [narrator] Once your dog's reliably sitting when you lure him with the treat, you're ready to start adding the word sit. [onscreen action] Woman put her hand out over the dog, says sit when the dog begins sitting and yes when dog sits. [narrator] Just as your dog begins to lower his bottom say sit. When he does, say yes and give him the treat. Practice this with your dog a couple of times a day for several days. [onscreen action] Woman putting her hand behind her back with a treat and motioning for the dog to sit, then gives the dog a treat with her other hand. [narrator] Now you're ready to start asking your dog to sit without a treat in your lure hand. Put a treat in your other hand behind your back. Motion your now-empty fist as you did before, from his nose, back over his head and say sit. When your dog sits, say yes and give him the treat from behind your back. [onscreen action] Thought bubble appears by the dog. [onscreen text] I really like this sitting thing. [narrator] Soon you can treat your dog occasionally, and he'll learn to sit just for your praise.