[onscreen action] Girl motions for dog to come. [onscreen text] It’s a great way to teach your dog to come to his name. [narrator] Everyone likes to play hide and seek and now you can get your dog in on the fun too! [onscreen action] Girl passes out treats. [narrator] It's a good idea to have some treats handy so your dog will be excited to find you. Have someone hold your dog while you go and hide. [onscreen action] Kids hiding from dog. [narrator] At first, make it easy by hiding close by, perhaps in the next room. When you're ready, call your dog. [onscreen action] Dog looking for kids. Dog finds kid and gets a treat. [narrator] Once he finds you, give him a special treat or start playing with him. As your dog gets better at the game, you can make it more difficult. [onscreen action] Kid hides under table. Dog finds kid and gets a treat. [narrator] Try hiding under a table or behind a door. [onscreen action] Kid hiding behind door. Kid hiding under a blanket. [narrator] If your dog is really good, you can even hide under a blanket. So the next time you play hide and seek, be sure to include your furry friend in the fun!