(playful music) [onscreen text] Tips Handy Work. [narrator] Handy work. [onscreen action] Woman narrating. [narrator] Here's a great relationship builder for you and your dog. [onscreen action] Boy sitting on floor feeding a puppy food from his hand and petting the dog. [narrator] Hand feed your dog part of his meals. This is a fantastic way to bond with your puppy and it really sets the tone for who's in charge. [onscreen action] Woman narrating. [narrator] Taking just a few minutes to hand feed your dog will also provide you with a daily training session where you can teach your dog to take things gently from your hands. [onscreen text] Tips Hands Off. [narrator] Hands off. [onscreen action] Small boy sitting on couch, playing with a mobile phone. [narrator] Younger kids are curious. Make sure they understand that a dog's crate or a dog's safe area is part of his own personal space and is off limits. [onscreen action] Man installing a wooden pet gate. [narrator] Consider using a gate to section off the area in order to keep younger children away from the crate while still allowing your dog to have full access. [onscreen action] Dog walking into his dog crate and licking at a treat filled toy. [narrator] This will help give your dog his own private place when he needs a break. [onscreen text] Tips Treasure Hunt. [onscreen action] Young girl sitting on the floor and petting a large dog laying on the floor. [narrator] Treasure hunt. [narrator] Playing games can help teach your dog good behaviors. Here's a fun game that kids and dogs will love. Have your child hide your dog's food in small amounts around the house so your dog can hunt for them. [onscreen action] Montage of girl walking around and placing dog treats in various places in the house. [narrator] Make it easy for your dog at first. Then increase the difficulty as the sniffing skills improve. [onscreen text] Tips Little Ones. [narrator] Little Ones. [onscreen action] Woman and child sit on carpeted steps. Small dog walks up and begins licking the child’s hand. [narrator] It's important to always keep an extra close eye on infants and dogs. A playful dog may accidentally hurt a small child in an attempt to investigate or play with him. [onscreen action] Young child toddles up to a small dog and gives it a treat. [narrator] As infants begin to crawl and walk you need to ensure that they don't hurt the dog by grabbing a sensitive area such as his ears or tail. Finally, babies are unsteady on their feet and can easily be knocked over by your dog. [onscreen action] Boy and dog climb up carpeted stairs at the same time. [narrator] So keep an extra close eye on them when your dogs around. [onscreen text] Tips A Soft Touch. [narrator] A soft touch. [onscreen action] A woman and a young girl sit on a bed with their dog and gently pet it. [narrator] Teach your kids not to startle your dog or handle him too roughly. Show them how to gently pet the dog. Pet him on his shoulders, back, or gently under his chin and neck. If your dog offers you his tummy you can pet that too. Always avoid reaching over your dog to pet his head or face. Also, avoid patting the top of his head, his nose, or his tail. Dogs usually don't like that.