(energetic music) [onscreen text] Attention Barking. [onscreen action] Dog on floor repeatedly barking. (barking) [narrator] Attention-seeking barking is a learned behavior. [onscreen action] Man and woman eating at kitchen table. Dog barks at them, the man picks up a dog toy and plays with the dog. [narrator] For instance, if your dog brings a toy over to you, barks, and you start playing with him, you've taught your dog if he barks, you'll play. [onscreen action] Man sitting in chair, watching TV, with dog next to him. Dog starts barking and putting its paws on his leg. Man Leans over to dog and scolds the dog verbally and with a wagging finger. [narrator] If you look at your dog when he barks, or even if you scold him for barking, he's still learning that barking gets your attention. [onscreen action] Man kneeling in front of media cabinet looking at a DVD case. Dog next to him starts barking. Man continues his task and ignores the dog. [narrator] On the other hand, if he barks and you ignore him or if you get up and walk away, he'll eventually learn that barking doesn't work, and it will gradually decrease. [onscreen text] Trainer’s tip: Ignore him or walk away. [narrator] This is the best way to eliminate your dog's barking, but you must be persistent. [onscreen action] Man sitting on couch reading a book with dog continuously barking next to him. [narrator] At first, if you ignore his demands, his barking may initially increase because he's frustrated at your lack of attention. If you get frustrated and give in, your dog will learn that persistence pays and his barking won't stop. So be patient and stick to the plan. [onscreen action] Man sitting on couch with dog lying quietly next to him. Man gives dog a treat. Thought bubble from dog reads, “Being quiet gets me treats!” [narrator] You'll also wanna give your dog treats and praise when he's sitting quietly by your side. This will reinforce his calm behavior. After a while, your dog will learn that barking doesn't get him anywhere, and being calm and quiet is the only way to get your attention. [onscreen action] A woman and two men are at a table playing cards. Two dogs sit quietly next to the table. One of the men reaches down and gently pets one of the dogs.