[onscreen action] Woman kneeling on floor using short braided rope toy to play with small dog. [narrator] As a new pet parent you'll soon find out there are lots of great products that can enrich your dog's life but it's important you have the essentials. [onscreen text] Dog Necessities: * A high quality food * Food and water bowls * Properly sized crate * Doggie bed * 6’ leash, collar & ID tags * Durable & stuffable toys [narrator] First you'll need a high quality dog food, food and water bowls, a properly sized crate, a doggie bed, a six foot leash, collar and ID tags, and finally a selection of toys, including some durable and stuffable chew toys. [onscreen action] Woman kneeling on floor using dog treat to make small dog jump around. [narrator] Now let's show you how to make your home safe and dog friendly. First be aware of electrical dangers. [onscreen action] Woman inserts electrical outlet cover into electrical outlet next to a small lamp. [narrator] To avoid serious injury or even death use outlet covers and tuck away electrical cords as best you can. [onscreen action] Woman tucks slack lamp cord under bed next to lamp. [narrator] Cord containers are also available at most home improvement and baby stores. [onscreen action] Woman places slack electrical cord from television into a rigid cord container. [narrator] Next, no matter how nice of an environment they create for you fireplaces and candles can be very dangerous to your dog. [onscreen action] Shots of a fireplace and a candle. [narrator] So be sure there's proper screening in front of your fireplace and keep lit candles well out of your dog's reach. [onscreen action] Shot of a fireplace with a metal screen in front of it. Shot of a woman blowing out a lit candle. [narrator] Dogs who don't know any better may jump up on counters so you need to clear them of any dangerous objects like knives and delicate glass. [onscreen action] Woman in kitchen picks up knife from counter and places it into a knife block. [narrator] While you're at it put any food temptations away too. [onscreen action] Woman takes plate of pretzels off of coffee table. [narrator] Use child safety locks on all cabinets in your home which contain harmful items. [onscreen action] Woman kneeling next to kitchen cabinet, placing a child lock on the inside of the cabinet door. [narrator] It's also a good idea to use covered trashcans or better yet place them in areas your dog can't access. [onscreen action] Woman steps on foot lever of metal covered trashcan and places a bag of trash inside the can. [narrator] And finally make sure the toilet bowl lid always stays down. [onscreen action] Woman in small bathroom gently closes the top lid of the toilet. [narrator] Many dogs will try to drink from the toilet and bowl cleaners can be extremely dangerous. Remember your new dog is counting on you to keep him out of harm’s way. [onscreen action] Small dog trots down a hallway towards woman. Woman picks up dog and cuddles it. [narrator] By taking the time to make some simple adjustments you can help ensure your new best friend's happiness and well being.