(upbeat music) [onscreen text] Traveling By Car. [onscreen action] Woman speaking. [woman] Once you're all packed and ready to go, here are some things to consider for traveling in your car. [onscreen action] Woman on chair with small dog. [woman] Some dogs don't travel well. A car sick dog could make a trip miserable for everyone. So take him for a few short rides and see how he does. [onscreen action] Couple puts dog in travel crate in car. [woman] Even on short trips, use a travel crate. or pet seatbelt to secure your pet and keep them from wandering around. [onscreen action] Woman gives dog water from a bottle. [woman] Plan on stopping every couple of hours so you dog can stretch his legs, relieve himself and have some food and water. [onscreen action] Couple puts dog in travel crate in car. [woman] Don't let your dog ride with is head outside the window. Even though it looks like fun, bugs and rocks can hit him at high speeds and cause serious injuries. [onscreen action] Woman speaking. [woman] And finally, never ever leave your dog alone in a parked car. Extreme heat or cold temperatures can be fatal in just a matter of minutes.