[onscreen action] Dog eating out of bowl. Dog walking around house. [Narrator] As we mentioned previously, it's important to feed your dog on a regular schedule. If your dog's food is left out all day, he'll have the ability to graze, which may lead to overeating. Your veterinarian can tell you how much food to feed your dog, as well as how often you should feed him, based on his age, activity level, and overall health. [onscreen action] Puppy eating from dog bowl. [Narrator] A general rule of thumb is that puppies need to be fed three times a day, while adult dogs can be fed once or twice daily. I prefer to feed my dogs at my own mealtimes, breakfast and dinner. This creates a consistent feeding schedule, and also helps prevent the bad habit of begging at the table. [onscreen action] Two women talking and eating at counter with dog nearby. [Narrator] Be careful when feeding human foods to your dog. Some can be very dangerous. Feeding table scraps to your dog could cause him to get a stomachache, or worse. So it's best not to give your dog any human foods. [onscreen action] Dog swimming in pool. Man petting dog. [onscreen text] Never Feed Your Dog: Chocolate. Onions. Dairy Products. Meat, Poultry, Fish Bones. Grapes and Raisins. Fats. [Narrator] Some of the most dangerous ones include chocolate, which can be very harmful, onions, even a small amount can cause anemia, dairy products, which can cause diarrhea in lactose intolerant dogs, meat, poultry, and fish bones because splintery may cause internal injuries and break teeth, grapes and raisins, they can be associated with renal failure, and finally, fats, which can cause stomach upset. [onscreen action] Man beckoning dog to him while playing outside. [Narrator] Treats have their place and are critical to training many key behaviors. But be careful to use them in moderation. We recommend that no more than % of your dog's daily food be treats. Treats are just that, something you give your dog as a reward, so don't overdo it. [onscreen action] People giving dog treats in various settings. [Narrator] When giving treats, the healthier, the better. What you may not realize is that some treats are well-balanced and nutritious, like the complete line of Hill's Science Diet Treats. [onscreen action] Dog eating from food bowl. [Narrator] Weight problems are a serious issue for many dogs. Not only can they take years off your dog's life, but they can also lead to expensive vet visits. If you're like most people, you may not be sure what your dog's ideal weight is. To find out, I suggest you go to HillsPet.com. [onscreen action] Website hillspet.com home page displayed, along with basic navigation demonstration. [onscreen text] www.HillsPet.com [Narrator] There, you can enter some basic information about your dog, including his age, weight, and body type. [onscreen action] Demonstration of HillsPet.com’s pet weight slider. Bag of HillsPet Science Diet adult dog food. [Narrator] If you think your dog has a weight problem, you should consult your veterinarian about starting him on a low calorie food. Many low calorie foods will allow your dog to still receive the nutrition he needs, while also satisfying his hunger.